Multiple Line Agent Site
Redesign Project

During my time at American National Insurance, I had the opportunity to work as the content strategist and copywriter for our Multiple Line Agent Site Redesign Project, which would update over 1,400 agent sites, including a full UX/UI overhaul, as well as content.

This redesign was centered around creating a more positive user experience and updating the user interface design to align with the new public website. But, tackling this project was going to be interesting because we needed to:

  • Create a positive client user experience

  • Create a site that agents can use in promoting themselves·

  • Bring the design and maintenance in-house from a third-party vendor

Research & Planning

Our first step was to map out how we were going to tackle creating custom content for 1,400 sites. I created the project’s content strategy, SEO strategy, and communications plan during this phase.

Content Strategy

The content strategy centered around gathering custom content from agents that could be used in a variable matrix to create custom About Me descriptions. We knew we couldn’t create 1,400 different descriptions within our timeline, so we used this strategy to streamline the process and allow for some customization that would show off the agent’s personality and be search-engine friendly.

SEO Strategy

If I could sum up this entire strategy into two words, they would be “hyper-local.” We wanted to make sure that the content we created had strong local keywords so that agents would pop up in searches based on location and avoid someone finding their office 3,000 miles away.

Communication Plan

The communications plan was all about being transparent to the agent field force, senior leadership, and internal employees about various stages of the project. This plan detailed the cadence of messages and was the framework for almost 30 communications that helped spread the word of the work we were doing.

Content Creation

When writing the copy, I put a focus on the local keywords found in our SEO strategy and created a connection between the agent and the users on their site.

Here’s some of the final copy:

About American National

At American National, we believe in providing insurance options that work for you. We want to be your guide and help make sure you have protection when faced with the unexpected. With a long, rich history of helping our clients, know that agents like myself want to provide you with the best experience, founded in American National’s values of integrity, respect, and excellent service. Learn more about American National.

Products Offered

Insurance is confusing; that’s what I’m here for. I offer a variety of insurance options for you to choose from and peace of mind knowing we’ll be there when you need us. I’m confident in the insurance protection we provide, supported by American National’s long history of financial stability. Browse the products below and reach out to talk through your options today.


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